A spiritual director is someone who helps us notice the presence and activity of God in our lives. Such noticing feels easy when times are good but can be challenging in the valleys of life. Very often someone else can see things about our lives that we simply cannot see in the moment.
The following directors are currently taking new directees:
Deb Aichele aichfam@gmail.com
Ana Berrios-Allison berrios.7@osu.edu
Linda Lee Jackson lljackson@oppeace.org
Katy Kram 614-804-3968 katykram@gmail.com
Diane LeMay caminopilgrim11@aol.com
Sharon Reed slreed49@gmail.com
Alejandro Rodriguez arodsr1957@gmail.com
Judy Unger judyunger@yahoo.com
You can also contact the Spirituality Network 614-228-8867 for more information and referrals.
If you have questions or a modification of this list, please contact kellysollinger@gmail.com.